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Software update for HSCron

Software update for HSCron
Software - Update to version 1.3 for the ballistical Chronograph HSCron

This upgrade gives additional Features to your system:

* works with all available optronical sensors
* works with the new Radar based Sensor HSRad
* Entry of the bullet weight and
* Output of the kin. energy in Joule for each shot on LCD and via interface
* Output of the IPSC factor for each shot on LCD and via interface
* Output MIP
* during a velocity is displayed on LCD You can decide whether You Keep or delete a shot
* each shot will additional be sent to the interface (RS232, USB or Bluetooth) for a further processing

You can order this upgrade for Your HSCron and we will perform the upgrade and a complete check of Your device.
In Addition You will get a hard copy of the new Manual, which describes the new functions.

The shipping costs are separately and will be added to the costs for the upgrade.

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